as i have already mentioned it has been hot here. it is literally 95 degrees in my house as i type. anyhow, trying to think of ways to keep cool i put a wet flour sack in the freezer today and below is the outcome. (blake doesn't know i've posted this...heehee oh, and can you see the similarity with sally field aka "the flying nun" ?)
Blake, looking good, looking good. Wow.
2 items:
1) Why on earth do you own a flour sack anyway? And why a frozen flour sack? Why not a dish towel or something? Is the flour sack most effective when frozen? I would like to know this.
2) Do I see a little smattering of chest hair? It would appear that soon Mike will have a contender!
1. they sell flour sacks as kitchen hand towels and that is what i use b/c they are the most absorbent. i don't like regular dish towels b/c they never seem to actually pick up water.
2. yes, blake's chest hair is what you are viewing. i'm sure that he loves that we are blogging about this...
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