Thursday, August 14, 2008

are you frickin' kidding me??

part of the reason i wanted out of arizona was to get away from the heat and it seems that we have brought it with us. good ol' oregon teased us the first few days with wonderful weather and now it is just plan terrible! there have now been heat advisories and record highs of 104 today and on the news tonight they said 110 tomorrow...i think i might just die. i know that shouldn't seem too bad for someone from arizona, but the problem is we don't have a/c, just fans that don't do much when it is this hot. back to my post from earlier this summer i am once again melting! oh, and to (the weather channel)-you lie and it just isn't very nice of you!


Jennifer said...

AL, did you write frickin just for me? Thank you, AL.

I'm sorry you are so very hot. It is not fun, not fun at all. (Believe me, I certainly know what it's like to be A/Cless. Yes, I do know.

Maybe you should do that one rain dance that you were showing me last month. You know, the one where you raised your hands above your head and turned in circles, chanting "Rain, Rain, Rain."

I think you should try it out, AL. You finally have a chance to put all that practice to use!

Jennifer said...

I forgot the second part of the parentheses. How foolish I feel.

Allison said...

you are a funny one being worried about your grammar on a blog.

the use of frickin' was b/c i was so upset about the heat, but i also know you love it so i thought i'd throw it in one of the headers.

Bella Beginnings said...

I am sorry!!! That seriously stinks. I am laughing out loud right now though and had to explain to Ryan why I was laughing at your post. He couldn't believe it. That is crazy. I thought only AZ got to 110... guess not. How clever to use a flour bag. You should go to Costco and buy their portable AC unit. Good luck.

Allison said...

ju-trust me, i have searched high and low for a portable a/c unit!!! no store in a 50 plus mile radius has one for sale, as they have all sold out! i did order one from the other day and it should be here soon :) it was actually nice today (it rained for the very first time)!!