Monday, August 18, 2008


From one kitty cat to another (even though you are much stronger and bigger than me as a cool LION) HAPPY BIG BIRTHDAY!!!!

LoVe, AL's kitty CaT ElLa

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Dear AL,
That kitty is funny! Did you know she has green eyes? Well, I have blue eyes, but my mom has green eyes. But boys have blue eyes. Do you have green eyes?

Well actually, your cat's name is Ella. London's brother's name is Easton. Well, Ella and Easton both start with E, but they don't really sound the same.

My mom thought that you were named Ella but actually you are AL. Ella was hiding all the time. And I was trying to find Ella but she didn't want to see me. Isn't that funny? When she hides under the bed, you could reach her, AL. AL, you have a long arm. My mom has a short arm. You could hit the wall. I am tall.

I was talking to you last week when I was trying to find the little cat. That was so funny. Cats scratch all the time. Don't pinch cats because they will scratch you! We can only pinch fingers. Does Ella clap her hands? Ha, that's funny! She has paws, not hands! I am funny! I have paws on my lion costume. When I wear it for Halloween, what I have is lion paws. Isn't that funny?

I love AL. And Ella. Elephant. That's a long word. Hey, AL gave me fishies at her house! I can't believe it!

I am four. I love Ella. I got presents! Well, I got a dragon and next I got a ball and I got a leapster, I mean a DDS. I always say a different thing like Mallory's. And AL! I played Red Rover! And I got wacamole!

Next I want to tell you that I got a dinosaur in an egg. Bye to Ella.
