Sunday, June 29, 2008


Really, is there anymore to say? Seriously, it is so flippin' hot out today (I guess I should include yesterday and about everyday for the past month too) and I am melting! How is it possibly natural to live in heat like this? Today I am super thankful for A/C and for cool water!

We're now in the home stretch to move though...only one month from today and we'll be driving up the I-5! For the next month we will be living ghettofabulous; we sold our couch and chair and now have our extra guest bed out in the living room serving as furniture. HA!! It is actually pretty bad, b/c we have tile and it rolls all over the place.

One more thing to add to the countdown-Breaking Dawn comes out in just about a month! Who else is excited? I can't wait!!!


Kaylani said...

every summer I wonder why I still live's seriously miserable! Breaking Dawn comes out on my birthday...could it get any better?

Anonymous said...

please don't melt... and what is Breaking Dawn? i'm confused with all of this americaness you bring to the table... NBC Sucks.

Anonymous said...



Annie said...

al, i know you just moved and it's crazy moving, but i need to see where you live, i'm too excited to see.