Saturday, September 6, 2008

edward my love has finally arrived!

the past couple days have been very exciting in terms of mail. look what arrived in the mail today! i just can't believe it! how great, i can look at EDWARD all day long now without having to look on the internet. too bad the movie producers didn't pick a better EDWARD though...the is not at all what i pictured, but i guess he'll do. just in case any of you are thinking that i ordered this let me put your mind at ease, i did not, it came as a fantastic surprise from my fellow edward-loving friend danielle. THANK YOU! (i quickly hung it up in the 2nd bedroom & took the above picture. just think, if you come visit you can gaze at this all night long!)
oh, and just in case you haven't heard the latest late breaking news from stephenie meyer you MUST go to fun and sad news both at the same time. Thank you Jen Friend for showing me the way!

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